Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just sketches...

I thought by working on old unfinished projects that I would get 'lots of stuff done'. That doesn't seem to be working. I've worked on many of them but I haven't even completely finished one thing yet! edit: Uh-oh, i just remembered I did finish one thing, a tote bag. Still, that's not much for a months work!

I get frustrated easily; just because the project is partly done doesn't mean that the remaining work is quick or easy. It's just partly done because I was bored or frustrated with it after I started it, just as I am today.

Many people give their UFO's away but I've had a ratpack attitude along with some weird psychological problem that makes me feel pressure that I should finish things no matter when I started them, even if I don't like them, don't want them, or think they're pointless.

Another thought I have is that they represent part of the artistic journey. I feel like if I never make art there is no way my art skills can get better. Only by continually creating will I hone my skills.

You know that story about the two groups of ceramic potters? The one that divided them into two groups; one group was to work hard to make one perfect vase. The other group was to make as many vases as they could, as fast as they can. In the end, the group that had to make many had made better vases than the group that made one perfect pot. Practice makes perfect!
So the more art I do, the better I'll get.

So that's just another thing that adds to this negative feeling that I have to finish's part of the process so do it over and over, dang it all!

I have one creative process I really enjoy, but never seem to find time for. I love to listen to the radio and hear a song that I feel like interpreting, right at that moment, into something. I've made some postcards like that.
But when it comes to those song postcards, I don't feel the need to finish it grandly. It's like sketching an's just a sketch, except made from fabric and embellishments. It was just fun to do.
We don't treasure our sketches, we don't worry about them being done...we just get the idea down and maybe the planning.

So I just tonight decided that some of my old projects are 'just sketches'. They were only a part of the design and creative process; they were a step in learning. They don't need to be finished, they don't need to even be in my house. They did what they were suppose to do: get me to where I am today.
Tomorrow I am going to go through them and make a pile to go out the door...the Textile Center Garage Sale Benefit will be getting them. I may not be able to give up of all of them yet, but just embracing this thought process is a huge leap for me.

Exhale deeply. Out with the old. Breathe in deeply. In with the new.


  1. Wonderful thoughts Debra! I have been trying to embrace this attitude as well. It is difficult to let go of some things even when I know they are no longer useful for me. I think they have velcro on them that clings to my fingers.
    Janet Hartje

  2. Yeah, so, I finished 4 old projects this weekend. Sure, I got something accomplished, but, now what will I do with a near thimbleberries type table runner? Aack!

    Welcome to blogland!
