Sunday, September 27, 2015

Washable markers for quilt marking?

If they're supposed to come off of hands, clothing and walls, they might work, right?
I colored a large circle of each color and just washed and dried it.  Every bit of marker is gone.
I'm going to recolor them, and then iron it and re-wash to see if I get the same results.

Update: Here are the results after using the markers in each color to make a 1/2" dot, and then I ironed it good and hot!  I also bought the Fabric fine line markers (permanent) and tested all those colors on the right.  "Fine line" means 1/8" wide. This little scrap of fabric has been through the washer and dryer and again, all of the markings came out.  Next time I need to mark a quilt for something I'm using the washable markers.

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