Tuesday, December 27, 2011

All about Isaac

My favorite nephew Isaac has gotten into some bad habits lately. 
He can't seem to get up before 3 pm.
It's apparent that he likes to sleep on his knuckles.
But when he did get up, he made Christmas Dinner! 
Can you believe it? 
He said he wanted to do it! 
Well then, let's take out double the ingredients so he can make 2 meals for us! 
So here he is, hard at work mixing Grandma's meatballs.
He also put together and baked the Scalloped Corn, and peeled and mashed the potatoes! 
Below is my plate, a normal persons plate...except the meatballs and gravy were passed before the mashed potatoes, so my mashed potatoes are actually on top of the gravy.

But Isaac preferred his mashed potatoes, gravy, meatballs and scalloped corn to be mashed up in one big heap. 
The green beans on the side were added to Isaac's plate by Eric AS he asked Isaac "Do you want green beans?"
Isaac custom made this beautiful train display box for his Grandpa. 
It is so freakin' gorgeous!
Did I tell you I love my nephew? 
He is such a fantastic kid and growing into a generous, thoughtful young man.

1 comment:

  1. So kind of Isaac.
    Jörg loves the display box.
    Nice to read and see about him.
