The letter S for MCQ, approx 3" x 10", stitched embroidery floss and fiber by hand. |
"And it's about time!"
Minnesota Contemporary Quilters needs a banner. Kathy Faust has designed a way for 26 of MCQ Members to each make a piece of that banner by creating a unique system that was inspired by the spectacular River Quilt made by the St Cloud Quilters (pictured farther down).
At the last MCQ meeting Kathy arranged to draw the names of the hopeful participants (so it would be fair) for each person to come up and pick out the letter they wanted, mine included the blue fabric.
S is for Svedberg. Of course!
Kathy wants to sew the individual pieces together side by side, so the sides of my piece are actually unsewn and only basted for my picture.
Easily undone with the pull of a thread.
The lighting in this picture is dreadful. The 16 Quilters each got a 'pattern' with the width of the piece, the marks for where the river must start on the left side and marks for where it would end on the right side; and the rest of the sheet was blank! Each quilter decided the height and where the river went within those boundaries.
The different styles of interpretation were fascinating, the level of skill was impressive, and the variety of technique covered almost everything out there! Each piece was numbered and had to go back in that order for the river to flow; and yet the cohesiveness was beautiful.
The only constant between them is the river, and even the river was interpreted with different techniques in each piece.
I'll update this post tomorrow with more credit towards the River Quilt.