Thursday, August 12, 2010

Englund Cottage on Lake Minnetonka

On Monday all of MCQ was invited to spend the day at the Englunds Cottage.  The only pictures I took were in the morning of us early attenders.   I didn't have my camera out later, while we ate from a huge baked potato buffet, sat on the deck overlooking the lake, played with soy wax batik and painted fabrics. It was such a fun day!

Quilters Hands

Friday, August 6, 2010

Switching tracks...

I think I'm getting back into a good groove.  Which groove it is, I don't know; but change is always good when change means things get better, right?
Things have been wishy-washy for a little too long now.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Long Time No See...

Kevin Kling's Holiday InnI haven't been in the sewing room for over a month now...feels strange to not have blogged all this time either.  It's been a weird summer full of ebbs and flows.  But I did just finish a hilarious book "Holiday Inn" by Kevin Kling, a Minneapolis author.  This book had me laughing outloud in the middle of the night in a quiet house.  Even the Intro is funny.